• Tips And Advice On Clean And Green Energy


    Many homeowners get overwhelmed at the thought of changine their home to make it a greener environment. There are many things that you can easily do to help protect the environment. Take time to read the following guidelines to determine the things that could greatly benefit your house.

    Switch to solar heating systems for water to lower your cost of indoor water. Both natural gas and electricity are inefficient heating methods, while solar water heaters use the sun to constantly heat your water. While many of these upgrades have high up-front costs, they may qualify for tax credits or other rebates.

    Replace or clean your furnace filters yearly, and recheck them monthly. If your air intakes and registers do not have filters, take the time to install them. This will help ensure debris doesn’t enter heating ducts, thereby reducing your efficiency.

    If you currently use fuel oil for home heating, …

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